October 8 2021 : new summit Africa-France Montpellier

Africa-France Summit

Montpellier will host the new Africa-France summit from 7 to 9 October 2021 (https://sommetafriquefrance.org/en/ ).
In addition to the events organised by the city around the summit (https://www.africa-montpellier.fr), the I-SITE MUSE is organising the “Montpellier Global days for Science Education and Innovation: Africa 2021”, ahead of the summit.

A Water theme day will take place on 5 October, for which Christine Adongo, post-doctoral fellow and member of the GDR, will present her work on “Geothermal impacts on societal and environmental transitions”.

All the sessions of this theme will be organised in a mixed attendance/virtual format in order to allow the participation of as many people as possible.


Groupe Interdisciplinaire Grand Rift Africain
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