The GDR Rift launches its 4th call for Student Mobility (2024 edition) to promote student exchange and training.
The 59 applications received were evaluated and refereed by the scientific committee on 12 March 2024. The committee selected 48 applications, giving priority to students wishing to take part in the Narok conference in May 2024. The total amount estimated for this year is approximately 30k€. This is an exceptional year, and the GDR will not be able to award as many mobility grants in future years.
The beneficiaries of the aid for 2024 are:
Reminder: The mobility grant can be used to participate in training courses, thematic schools, field trips, or visiting laboratories. The applicant must submit the details of the requested budget associated with their project. Upon award, the grant can only be used for travel, fieldwork, and mission expenses and can only be used for the applicant. The grant must be spent before the end of the financial year, beginning December 2024. The allocated stipend is subject to financial statements. We ask the beneficiaries for written feedback (one-page report + summary of expenses) and a small podcast presentation for the GDR website. Applicants who have not provided supporting documents for their previous applications will not be able to submit new projects.
This year, for conference participants, their presentation will serve as written feedback (subject to attendance at the conference).