Tectonic, climate and biology of the Okavango Delta (Botswana).
The Okavango Delta is the world second largest internal delta after the Niger central delta. Situated within north Botswana, the natural resources of the Okavango Delta sustain a flourishing tourist industry and a major part of the local population. The Delta is one of the main intracontinental wetland zone in the world. In that respect it is strongly dependent on annual flood cycles in a huge drainage area encompassing three countries (Angola, Namibia and Botswana), itself impacted by climate change.
The Okavango project aims at building a new model of the long-term morpho-sedimentary evolution of the Delta. It should allow a better understanding of the hydrogeological systems both in terms of geometry, chemical pattern and sensibility to climate change.
This project is supported by a CNRS International Emerging Action, a PhD grand from University Rennes 1 and somme support from the INSU Tellus program. It continues from an initial mapping of the tectonic structure of the Okavango Rift and a GPS-based analysis of the active deformation financed by Tellus-Rift and coordinated by O. Dauteuil (Géosciences Rennes).