BELLO Yusuf – Federal University Dutsin-Ma – Nigéria



Federal University Dutsin-Ma,
Katsina State, Nigeria


Page personnelle

Based on the field trip experience, I observed the people were faced with a lot of climate uncertainties ” extreme weather events” leading to the occurrence of drought and flood interchangeable over years. The decline of natural resources within rift could be as a result of climate and environmental change which have been intensify by human activities. Other identify problems were as follows;

1. The Maasai pastoralist lived with their cattle’s within the rift which gave room for water contamination and other related sanitation issues resulting to water related illness among the populace which could affect their productivities (output).
2. The increasing population (human and animals) over the years could cause conflict between the farmers and pastoralist due to shrinking land for farming (rain fed agriculture) and grazing over the years.
3. There evidence of sheet and rill erosion process which could affect the fertility and condition of arable land for rain fed agriculture.
4. Depreciation of the ecological services within the Maasai conservation area of the rift was observe and needs urgent attention.
5. Drought and flood have affected the livelihood, health and well begin of the Massai people of the rift.
6. The people are living in hamlet and in dispersed form of settlement which could be difficult for the Narok government to provide preventive measures against diseases like malaria and water relate problems to the people.
7. There is need to understand the past climate before the development of the rift, present micro climate and predict what the future micro climate will be within the rift system. These will give more light on the implications

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Groupe Interdisciplinaire Grand Rift Africain
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