Category: Modeling

BLASI-TOCCACCELI Alicia – Glendal campus –
Midwestern University – USA

Alicia BLASI-TOCCACCELI Postdoctoral researcher Glendal campus, Midwestern University, USA ablasi[at] Personal page I study functional anatomy of plio-pleistocene hominins’ shoulder with biomecanical modeling methods. Notably, I work with Omo Group Research Expedition from the lower Omo Valley. Expertises / Field to study Modeling Paleoanthropology Countries of activity in the Rift Ethiopia GDR Rift Research theme…
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DAVTIAN Gourguen – INEE UMR 7264 – CEPAM – Univ. Nice

DAVTIAN Gourguen Research Engineer CNRS INEE, UMR 7264 CEPAM, Université de Nice gourguen.davtian[at] Personal page Expertises / Field to study Geography Hydrogeology Modeling Countries of activity in the Rift Ethiopia Kenya GDR Rift Research theme The Rift Heritages Natural resources Training / Education Search for GDR Rift members by Institute / Laboratory / Other Expertises…
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GAUCHEREL Cédric – INRAE, UMR AMAP – Dept ECODIV – Cirad, Montpellier

Cédric GAUCHEREL INRAE Researcher INRAE, UMR AMAP, dept ECODIV Cirad, Montpellier cedric.gaucherel[at] Personal page Expertises / Field to study Ecology Modeling Philosophy Countries of activity in the Rift Kenya Tanzania Uganda GDR Rift partners Nelson Mandela Institute Oikos East Africa Iles de Paix GDR Rift Research theme The Rift heritages Natural resources Search for GDR…
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MWEMA Felix Mwema – The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology

Felix Mwema MWEMA Lecturer The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, Tanzania mwema.felix[at] Page personnelle Fluoride pollution in soil is often overlooked in comparison to heavy metals and organic pollutants, but it has negative impact to human health and plants when it exceeds the limits. Fluoride consumption beyond 1.5 mg/L in water can…
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PINEL Virginie – INSU UMR 5275 – ISTerre-IRD – Grenoble

Virginie PINEL CNRS senior Researcher INSU, UMR 5275, ISTerre, IRD Grenoble virginie.pinel[at] Personal page Study of volcanic activity and its impact on populations in the East African Rift, in particular, numerical and analogue modelling of magma propagation in rift zones. Recent project: E-DOOR (UNESCO-IGCP) (2023-2025). Expertises / Field to study Geophysics Modeling Volcanology Countries of…
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– INSU UMR 8212 –
– CEA, Univ. Versailles –

Pierre SEPULCHRE CNRS Researcher INSU, UMR 8212 LSCE, CEA, Université de Versailles pierre.sepulchre[at] Personal page I am interested in understanding the mechanisms behind the evolution of climate over the last 100 million years. At the continental scale, I am interested in the interactions between atmosphere and vegetation, and the impact of orographic barriers such as…
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