Category: Sociology

ADONGO Christine – INSHS UMR 8177 – EHESS-IIAC – Paris

Christine ADONGO PhD Student INSHS, UMR 8177 EHESS-IIAC, Paris adongoc[at] Personal page Christine Adongo is currently an early stage researcher doing PhD at l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS – Paris), and a member of Institut Interdisciplinaire d’Anthropologie du Contemporaire (IIAC). She attained both her bachelors and Masters degrees in Environmental science at…
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– INSHS UMR 8177 –
– Paris –

Susan ONYANGO PhD Student INSHS, UMR 8177 EHESS-LAIOS, Paris sonyango1931[at] Earlier career in the field of development communication, working with NGOs and then as a consultant in the geothermal domain. Now, Phd student addressing the gap between the design of larger industrial geothermal projects and the needs of the local population (participation in geothermal development…
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