Category: Paleoanthropology

ASSEFA Gettie Yared – INEE UMR 5199 – PACEA – Univ. Bordeaux

Gettie Yared ASSEFA PhD Student INEE, UMR 5199 PACEA, Université de Bordeaux yaredsefa[at] Currently working as curator at the National Museum of Ethiopia in paleoanthropology, in Addis Ababa, and PhD student in PACEA lab in Bordeaux for African hominin fossils study, especially dental material. Expertises / Field to study Paleoanthropology Countries of activity in the…
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BEAUDET Amélie – INEE UMR 7262 – PALEVOPRIM – Univ. Poitiers

Amélie BEAUDET CNRS Junior professor INEE, UMR 7262 PALEVOPRIM, University of Poitiers beaudet.amelie[at] Personal page Expertises / Field to study Evolution Paleoanthropology Paleontology Countries of activity in the Rift Bostwana Malawi Mozambique GDR Rift Research theme The Rift heritages Training / Education Search for GDR Rift members by Institute / Laboratory / Other Expertises /…
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BLASI-TOCCACCELI Alicia – Glendal campus –
Midwestern University – USA

Alicia BLASI-TOCCACCELI Postdoctoral researcher Glendal campus, Midwestern University, USA ablasi[at] Personal page I study functional anatomy of plio-pleistocene hominins’ shoulder with biomecanical modeling methods. Notably, I work with Omo Group Research Expedition from the lower Omo Valley. Expertises / Field to study Modeling Paleoanthropology Countries of activity in the Rift Ethiopia GDR Rift Research theme…
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CREVECOEUR Isabelle – INEE UMR 5199 – PACEA – Univ. Bordeaux

Isabelle CREVECOEUR CNRS Researcher INEE, UMR 5199 PACEA Université de Bordeaux isabelle.crevecoeur[at] Personal page Phenotypic diversity, behavior and dispersion of human populations in the Horn of Africa and the Nile Valley at the end of the Upper Pleistocene and the beginning of the Holocene. Principal investigator of the IRP ABASC (Biological Anthropology and Archaeothanatology in…
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GLEIZE Yves – INEE UMR 5199 – INSHS, PACEA – Bordeaux

Yves GLEIZE CNRS Operator and researcher INEE, UMR 5199 INSHS, PACEA, Bordeaux yves.gleize[at] Personal page Expertises / Field to study Archeology History Paleoanthropology Countries of activity in the Rift Ethiopia Kenya Tanzania GDR Rift Research theme The Rift heritages Search for GDR Rift members by Institute / Laboratory / Other Expertises / Field of study…
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GUY Franck – INEE UMR 7262 – PALEVOPRIM – Univ. Poitiers

Franck GUY CNRS Researcher INEE, UMR 7262 PALEVOPRIM Université de Poitiers franck.guy[at] Personal page Expertises / Field of study Evolution Paleoanthropology Paleoecology Countries of activity in the Rift Ethiopia GDR Rift research theme The Rift heritages Systems dynamics Natural resources Search for GDR Rift members by Institute / Laboratory / Other Expertises / Field of…
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Department Human Evolutionary Biology – Harvard Univ.

Margot LOUAIL Postdoctoral researcher Department of Human Evolutionary Biology Harvard University, United States margotlouail[at] Personal page I am interested in the influence of fallback foods on the selection of dental phenotypes in suids and primates, particularly in early hominins. One of the objectives of my project is to study the dental data of fossil suids…
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MARCHAL François
– INEE UMR 7268 –
– Univ. Aix-Marseille –

François MARCHAL CNRS Researcher INEE, UMR 7268 ADES Université Aix-Marseille – CNRS – EFS Personal page Palaeoanthropological mission (Fejej, Turkana, Ethiopia). Excavation of an Oldowayan level, palaeoanthropological surveys, study of the Hominin fossils. Expertises / Field of study Evolution Paleoanthropology Prehistory Countries of activity in the Rift Ethiopia GDR Rift research theme The Rift…
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PRAT Sandrine
– INEE UMR 7194 –
– MNHN, Paris –

Sandrine PRAT CNRS senior Researcher INEE, UMR 7194 HNHP PaléoFED, MNHN, Paris sandrine.prat[at] Personal page My research focuses on the morphological diversity of Pliocene hominins and the emergence of our genus (the genus Homo) from a taxonomic and phylogenetic perspective, the relationship between hominins and material culture, and the dynamics of settlement both between East…
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SENUT Brigitte
– INEE UMR 7207 –
– MNHN, Paris –

Brigitte SENUT Professor INEE, UMR 7207 CR2P, MNHN, Paris brigitte.senut[at] Personal page Expertises / Field to study Paleoanthropology Paleoenvironment Paleontology Countries of activity in the Rift Kenya Uganda GDR Rift partners Uganda Museum Kampala Egerton University OCO GDR Rift Research theme The Rift heritages Systems dynamics Training / Education Search for GDR Rift members by…
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