Category: Training and education

– INEE UMR 7264 –
– Univ. Côte d’Azur –

Lamya KHALIDI CNRS Researcher INEE, UMR 7264 CEPAM, Université Côte d’Azur lamya.khalidi[at] Personal page Lamya Khalidi is a researcher in archaeology with the French CNRS at the CEPAM laboratory in Nice. A Cambridge University graduate, she has 25 years of experience in Middle East and African archaeology and currently leads the VAPOR-Afar fieldwork project in…
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– INEE UMR 5608-
– Univ. Toulouse –

Friyat KIDANE PhD Student INEE, UMR 5608 TRACES,Université de Toulouse friatangesom[at] My area of interest is mainly concerned with ‘Use of fuel for metallurgical and domestic activities in medieval and contemporary periods: the case of Konso region, South Ethiopia’. Konso is the perfect region to study the use of fuel in a diachronic and interdisciplinary…
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Department Human Evolutionary Biology – Harvard Univ.

Margot LOUAIL Postdoctoral researcher Department of Human Evolutionary Biology Harvard University, United States margotlouail[at] Personal page I am interested in the influence of fallback foods on the selection of dental phenotypes in suids and primates, particularly in early hominins. One of the objectives of my project is to study the dental data of fossil suids…
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MARCHAL François
– INEE UMR 7268 –
– Univ. Aix-Marseille –

François MARCHAL CNRS Researcher INEE, UMR 7268 ADES Université Aix-Marseille – CNRS – EFS Personal page Palaeoanthropological mission (Fejej, Turkana, Ethiopia). Excavation of an Oldowayan level, palaeoanthropological surveys, study of the Hominin fossils. Expertises / Field of study Evolution Paleoanthropology Prehistory Countries of activity in the Rift Ethiopia GDR Rift research theme The Rift…
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MWEMA Felix Mwema – The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology

Felix Mwema MWEMA Lecturer The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, Tanzania mwema.felix[at] Page personnelle Fluoride pollution in soil is often overlooked in comparison to heavy metals and organic pollutants, but it has negative impact to human health and plants when it exceeds the limits. Fluoride consumption beyond 1.5 mg/L in water can…
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– INSHS UMR 8177 –
– Paris –

Susan ONYANGO PhD Student INSHS, UMR 8177 EHESS-LAIOS, Paris sonyango1931[at] Earlier career in the field of development communication, working with NGOs and then as a consultant in the geothermal domain. Now, Phd student addressing the gap between the design of larger industrial geothermal projects and the needs of the local population (participation in geothermal development…
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– INSU UMR 6538 –
– Univ. –
Bretagne Occidentale

Julie PERROT Assistant professor INSU, UMR 6538 Géocéans,Université Bretagne Occidentale jperrot[at] Personal page Expertises / Field to study Geophysics Seismology Tectonic Countries of activity in the Rift Ethiopia GDR Rift partners Universit of Dar Es Salaam GDR Rift Research theme Systems dynamics Training / Formation Search for GDR Rift members by Institute / Laboratory /…
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PINEL Virginie – INSU UMR 5275 – ISTerre-IRD – Grenoble

Virginie PINEL CNRS senior Researcher INSU, UMR 5275, ISTerre, IRD Grenoble virginie.pinel[at] Personal page Study of volcanic activity and its impact on populations in the East African Rift, in particular, numerical and analogue modelling of magma propagation in rift zones. Recent project: E-DOOR (UNESCO-IGCP) (2023-2025). Expertises / Field to study Geophysics Modeling Volcanology Countries of…
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PRAT Sandrine
– INEE UMR 7194 –
– MNHN, Paris –

Sandrine PRAT CNRS senior Researcher INEE, UMR 7194 HNHP PaléoFED, MNHN, Paris sandrine.prat[at] Personal page My research focuses on the morphological diversity of Pliocene hominins and the emergence of our genus (the genus Homo) from a taxonomic and phylogenetic perspective, the relationship between hominins and material culture, and the dynamics of settlement both between East…
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ROBIN Cécile
– INSU UMR 6118 –
Géosciences Rennes
– Univ. Rennes 1 –

Cécile ROBIN Assistant professor INSU, UMR 6118,Géosciences RennesUniversité de Rennes 1 cecile.robin[at] Personal page Expertises / Field of study Geology Paleoenvironment Sedimentology Countries of activity in the Rift Madagascar Malawi Mozambique Uganda GDR Rift research theme Systems dynamics Natural resources Training / Education Search for GDR Rift members by Institute /Laboratory / Other Expertises /Field…
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