
ABEBE Sintayehu –
Lower Omo Natural Medicine Association –
Addis Ababa University

Sintayehu ABEBE Microbiologiste Lower Omo Natural Medicine Association Addis Ababa University sintanni[at] Page personnelle The groups of people in Omo valley, are facing the worst declining of the biodiversity and of indigenous practices, where the higher threat being man-made. Irrigation schemes for large-scale agriculture by the government like Kuraz Sugar Development Project (KSDP), with its…
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SIMENEW Assefa –
Addis Ababa University Natural
and Computational Science

Assefa SIMENEW Doctorant Addis Ababa University Natural and Computational Science simenew.assefa[at] Page personnelle My research area of interest is renewable energy. Since energy is the engine of everything that does many works. For my research specifically on Organic Solar Cells’ power conversion performance using Plasmonic Nanoparticles at different layers of inverted Organic solar cells, I…
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Archaeological Sciences –
University of Dar Es Salaam

Peter MAKARIUS Lecturer Archaeological Sciences University of Dar Es Salaam mcpeter7[at] Page personnelle I’ m interested in exploring and underscoring hominin behaviours in relation to food procurement strategies in the past, stone tools manufacture and the synergetic links between hominin-environmental interactions, cognition abilities and subsistence systems. Specifically, I uses phytolith analysis in combination with archaeological…
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UMR7194 HNHP –
MNHN & Université de Witwatersrand

Pierre LINCHAMPS Postdoctorant INEE, UMR 7194 HNHP, Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle & University of the Witwatersrand pierre.linchamps[at] Page personnelle Mes recherches portent sur l’évolution des communautés de petits mammifères d’Afrique depuis la fin du Pliocène jusqu’à aujourd’hui. J’aborde plus particulièrement des questions concernant la taxinomie des rongeurs, et l’utilisation des assemblages fossiles à des fins…
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KARANI Michaël –
University of Dar es Salaam

Michaël KARANI Lecturer Centre for Communication Studies, College of Humanities, University of Dar es Salaam karanimichael6[at] Page personnelle The Great African Rift includes several linguistic areas belonging to the four major language families of the continent (Afro-Asiatic, Niger-Kongo, Nilo-Saharan and Khoesan). The linguistic diversity of this area is the result of migrations and contacts, sometimes…
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Ethiopian Heritage Authority (EHA)

Wannaw HAILEMARIAM Archaeological heritage researcher Ethiopian Heritage Authority (EHA) albuko1994[at] Page personnelle I conducted my MA thesis on the coservational challenges of world heritage site of konso cultural landscape which is found in the great rift valley. I presented this on the 3rd GDR colloquium. However for in the future i have a plan to…
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BELLO Yusuf – Federal University Dutsin-Ma –

Yusuf BELLO Lecturer Federal University Dutsin-Ma, Katsina State, Nigeria belloyusuf21[at] Page personnelle Based on the field trip experience, I observed the people were faced with a lot of climate uncertainties ” extreme weather events” leading to the occurrence of drought and flood interchangeable over years. The decline of natural resources within rift could be as…
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BRUGAL Jean-Philip – INEE UMR 7269 –
LAMPEA – Aix-en-Provence

Jean-Philip BRUGAL Directeur de Recherche (DR1) Emérite INEE, UMR 7269 LAMPEA Aix-en-Provence jean-philippe.brugal[at] Page personnelle Etudes Quaternaires dans le domaine des communautés animales avec approches intégrées de la paléontologie, archéozoologie et taphonomie. Etudes actualiste et (paléo)éco-ethologique, en particulier sur la prédation, humaine et animale. Reconstruction des paléoenvironnements et contexte climatiques au Plio-Pléistocène Expertises / Champs…
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SMITH Benjamin – INEE UMR 7264 – CEPAM – Nice

Benjamin SMITH Postdoctorant INEE, UMR 8264 CEPAM – Nice bdsmith1991[at] Page personnelle Thématiques de recherche : sociétés de chasseurs-cueilleurs de la fin du Pléistocène et du début de l’Holocène en Afrique. Je m’intéresse à l’organisation de la technologie lithique des chasseurs-cueilleurs, notamment à l’approvisionnement en pierre. Mes recherches explorent comment l’organisation technologique peut être étudiée…
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ADONGO Christine – INSHS UMR 8177 – EHESS-IIAC – Paris

Christine ADONGO Doctorante INSHS, UMR 8177 EHESS-IIAC, Paris adongoc[at] Page personnelle Christine Adongo est actuellement chercheuse en début de carrière à l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS – Paris), et membre de l’Institut Interdisciplinaire d’Anthropologie du Contemporaire (IIAC). Elle a obtenu sa licence et sa maîtrise en sciences de l’environnement à l’Université Kenyatta…
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